Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Finally Got Some Sun

I've been feeling pretty pasty-white lately and this weekend was the first time in 2009 when I actually feel like I got some sun. We had a very nice Memorial Day weekend. It started out with a family friend's, Heather Oborn's wedding on Friday evening. It was an absolutely beautiful wedding at the Carlson Towers in Mpls. It was great to see their wonderful ceremony and also to see my parents and many families from Bethel Church in Owatonna from growing up. I caught up with jr. high/high school Bible Study leaders and youth group friends' parents. It was a great way to start out the weekend.
(unfortunately the bride & groom are behind the speaker
-but you can see how beautiful it was)
On Saturday we slept in! Then we slowly made our way to Erik's parents' cabin. We had the weekend with just Erik's mom and the two of us. (Randy was working on his ol' Chevy all weekend --and I think Sue was glad that she didn't have to spend the weekend alone). We enjoyed lazy days and boat rides. What a fantastic way to spend Memorial Day weekend!
The start to a little sun burn...a.k.a. not pasty-white!
Sunday was my niece's Birthday. I can't believe she is already 7! We actually celebrated with her over Mother's Day weekend. She was very excited to open her gift early. I hope she enjoys it!
Happy Birthday Kya!! We managed to forget to take any photos of us together this whole weekend... oops.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Claire Pics! (finally)

So, I met Claire two weeks ago today. Since then, Erik got to meet Claire as well when we had dinner with Bob, Sara and Claire last week. I've been a bad blogger...sorry! Here are the pictures from the hospital:
Things have been very crazy for us lately. This whole house hunting thing is getting a bit messy and unpredictable. We are STILL waiting to hear from one house we put an offer on. It's a short sale though...which can take a long time (and it HAS). We also lost a bid on another house...but after we made the bid on that house Erik and I both got a big case of "cold feet." So, it's probably good that we didn't get it. We'll keep you posted.

We enjoyed last Saturday in Owatonna celebrating Mother's Day and my sister's Anniversary. It's hard to believe that it has been a full year since I performed their wedding in my parents' backyard! We ate way too much food at Famous Daves and then ate the top of Jana's wedding cake that had been frozen for the last year (ok, I didn't really eat it....I just had the ice cream). Then we had a nice dinner at the Molin's on Sunday evening to celebrate Mother's Day with Erik's mom. Hope all the moms out there had a great Mother's Day!

I hope you all are well. Sorry again for being a bad blogger!