So, today is my last day in the Bethel Universtiy CAS Admissions Office. It's an odd feeling. I love this place. I still view it as "my dream job!" However, I'm taking a leap. It's a fairly small fact, it is just across campus as the Bethel University CAS Assistant Registrar. However, it still feels odd. It's definitely bittersweet and certainly uncertain.
It's bittersweet to be packing up my office and getting ready to "say good-bye" to my very fun co-workers. I realized early on in my 'working career' that when you work full time, you are actually around your co-workers more than your spouse (at least while being awake). I am going to miss the people I've been working with....some of them do feel like family! So, although I am happy and excited about my new position, it is bittersweet.
As for the uncertainty...the job itself is very stable and certain....I am just not certain what it will look like, be like, or feel like. I was so surprised to be offered the job even after interviewing. Thrilled actually! But then I had to make the decision....will I leave what I have known for the last 5 years (7 years total if you count my student worker experience)? What will the day-to-day look like? No one could really answer that question in my interviews and speaking with HR. It just kind of leaves it uncertain.
The biggest draw to me is the more regular hours of the Registrar's Office. The added events, college fairs, travel, evenings and weekends of Admissions was getting to me. It also doesn't help (or does help- depending on how you're looking at it) that there is this very sweet little boy at home that I love to snuggle, kiss, and just watch in amazement. I hope that this will be a job (as I am told) that will allow me a little more time with my boys (little & big).
Another big motivator was the idea of moving into something that will better use my master's degree...moving to the "academic side" of the university. I have no idea what this will bring for my future, but I feel that it might be time for a move and this direction was/is appealing. I guess we will see what happens as a result.What remains, at least for the next few days, is uncertainty. As I have been telling people at Bethel about my move, almost all of them immediately said, "Oh, Registrar! That's a busy office." This seems a bit concerning. What does it mean? Am I busy now? Do people say, "Oh, Admissions. They are busy." or am I jumping into something that is way over my head??
I guess I'll find out in just a couple days. My first day there is Monday. I will have a couple weeks overlap with the person who currently has the Assistant Registrar position. I'm looking forward to learning from her and, mainly, answering a lot of my uncertainty. I'm excited....just nervous.