Thursday, May 24, 2012

Making Progress

Thanks to all the help from our friends and family, 
we are making progress on the deck!
Brad digging holes for footings.
That was hard work but we didn't get deep enough, so we had to rent the power auger!
Footing holes approved by step, filling forms with concrete!
On Saturday we had a big crew to help fill in around the footings, get the ledger on the house and put up the beams.
Putting the beams together.
Beams are in place!
Now, we start on the joists.
Tryg wants to get in on the action!  He likes to measure.
Joists are in and now we added the end joist.
So, it turns out there are a lot of steps involved in creating a deck.  
We still have some work ahead of us, 
but we can actually see the deck platform now!  
I'm excited!

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