Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My First {Little} Garden

I've been wanting to make a little garden on the side of our house for a few years.  As with most things, I have had great intentions!  I bought seeds each spring for the past 2 years.  I even started plants in pots in our kitchen a few times.  They would start out great but then shrivel up within two to three weeks. 

So, this weekend, I finally did it!  I fixed up the side of our garage where the garbage cans go and now we have a little garden there too.

If any of you actually garden, you'll notice that I probably have WAY TOO MANY veggies in a 2'x6' space.  I'm going with my friend, Doug's theory.... The plants that make it will be really strong because they will have had to fight all the other plants to survive.  It's the first try....we'll see what happens.
Thank you to Erik for wrangling Tryg while I was playing in the dirt!
(The patio stones are creating a flat surface for our garbage cans -I'll need a few more but it will be nice to have a space for them that is not on a pile of mulch!)

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