Sunday, September 23, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

So, clearly I am a bit behind but we did so much over Labor Day weekend that I wanted to post about it.  We celebrated our nephew, Kaleb's 4th Birthday in Owatonna on Saturday afternoon.  It was a great day for a party at the park.
Then we drove back up to the Cities to attend Jake and Tess' wedding rehearsal.  We had a great time and the dinner afterwards was fantastic.
On Sunday was their actual wedding.  And as I posted on facebook, the only way I know how to describe their wedding reception was "off the hook," even though I am not qualified to use that term.  It was SO FUN!  The surprise Beatles cover-band really made it fabulous.  Of course the "ball and chain" made an appearance and Jake really knew how to make it work!  The wedding was great as well.  We're very happy for Jake and Tess.  They are perfect for each other!  
On Monday we had a little family time at the park and then went to a potluck BBQ at Holly and Joe's new place on their new deck.  It was fun to see the old gang and hang out together.  The kids had a lot of fun playing together as well.

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